Sunday, July 09, 2006

Sunday, July 9, 2006

This is my story: I live with my husband and baby (actually a Jack Russell) in the Adirondacks and we love it. The baby on my husband's lap is Maddie, our greatgranddaughter. No I didn't start early. My husband is 68, I'm 49, I married into a family. I am an Air Force brat and have lived on each end of this country and wouldn't think of moving from Otter Lake. No we haven't seen Otters in a while, but we keep hoping.

Jenna Pooh (my dog) is my saving grace. For those of you women who are going through menopause (or as I call it man o stop!!!), you'll understand depression, weight gain , etc., all the things we were looking forward to as we grew old. Well Jenna was my Paxil. I'm a great believer in animals and their power to heal.

So those of you going through manostop....write me. I'd love to hear from others so I don't feel so bad about mine!!! LOL Sorry, just my sense of humor going amok. Also, for those not going through manostop -- tell of your mother's experience with it.

Thanks for stopping by.


Patience said...

Man O Stop! I love that! At least you're keeping your sense of humor!! Hang in there! This two shall pass!

Your family looks like they are having a wonderful life!

The Adirondack Queen said...

Thank you,we are having a great life. You are right, humor is the only thing to hold on to when things get a little out of whack. Hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain, oh please stop now, I can't take anymore of this fun!!! LOL

Sweet little baby Jenna

Sweet little baby Jenna
Yeah Right!

Jenna and Buddy

Jenna and Buddy
In James Bond movie -- Miss Golden Paws

If you had a chance would you own a Jack Russell Terrier?